Posts Tagged ‘Newtown’

When hope is fading away

Posted: December 17, 2012 in General, Religion
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All hope can be gone in one fleeting moment. Last Friday, news of the school shooting in Newtown in Connecticut (USA) was spread around the world. The whole world was shocked. How could this happen? Why did that guy kill those innocent children and their teachers? It is hard to understand that something like this could happen. What the reason might be, I can feel the pain that these families must be going through. It must be awful to lose a child or lover in such a tragedy. Where can we find hope after such a tragedy? I wish I knew but I believe it is hard to find hope in life again.

If God exists, where was He at that moment? Former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee said that this massacre was no surprise, because the state has “systematically removed God” from public schools. Still, I wonder, why innocent children? When adults “systematically remove God” from schools, why do children need to be killed? Adults made this decision, so why do children need to be punished? Kids still need to learn about religion and whether they believe in a God or not. However, nobody can answer the question where God was that day.

We see that hope can be lost in a matter of seconds. After such tragedy I believe we only can put hope in political leaders, like Obama. I really hope that political leaders around the world will take meaningful action after Newtown school shooting and I hope that terrible events like this, in whatever extent, will never happen again, anywhere.

Sending my thoughts to the whole community of Newtown.